1 month and a day since I first saw my fighting fish, he breathed his last.
19th March 2009 - 20th April 2009
My fighting fish was named after the high elf firstborn son of Elrond in Lord of the Rings, who's name simply means "his hair was gold". My fish's fins were off yellow, and the edge of it's unfurled fins were luminous, brilliant gold. He learned to size up his alter ego in the mirror, jump for food suspended over the surface and attack the straw i stuck into the tank.
In the short span of his 32 day life, Glorfindel lived up to his warrior name and defeated over 34 foes placed into his tank, from the ants that plagued our food cupboard to the formidable red shrimps. His final opponent was defeated at the cost of his life, much like the Balrog in LOTR taking Glorfindel's life, though losing its own as well. The lady bug placed in his tank fought for days and when it realised it could not win, released a large amount of murky liquid into the water from it's abdomen. After that, Glorfindel slowly faded away. Even a complete change of water could not save him, and in a couple of days he lifted his head to the sky, and passed on.
As a fervent conservationist, Glorfindel would not attack any of the water snails placed in his tank to aid in clean up work.
Glorfindel danced to music. I kid you not.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TJlyorxhMcWho knew when i got back in touch with my old friend after a year of silence?
Who watched the Missions Festival video with me the very first time it was shown (before the 3000 at good friday saw it), on my home tv?
Who stayed up to help me finish preparing my application to NUS Medicine?
Who listened as i composed my first song?
Who was the first to celebrate with me when i found out i was down for the interview for NUS Medicine?
Who was the first to see me in my new suit bought just for the occasion?
Who saw me through the essay test and interview?
The answer to all these questions is one and the same person- my mom.
Hehe. But Glorfindel was there too! Quiet and unassuming, in the shadow of my mom, but always there each time.
Have you ever hitch hiked before? Have you ever tried? Can you believe someone would actually stop for you in Singapore when you put up your thumb? For the sake of Glorfindel, i did. Because of him, i tried something so new to me. And i actually got a lift to the fish farm.
My prayer from the start was that he live long and loved, being an encouragement to all who see him. Glorfindel may not have lived long, but he was loved, and he lived a full life. He saw me through the whole NUS Medical entrance process before finally giving in.
Thanks Glorfindel.
I can't imagine the spirit of a fish ascending from the water into the sky... i mean... is there water in heaven? Either way, thanks for everything Glorfindel, i'll remember you fondly, and hope you become an angelfish.