19 October 2009


What is a dress?

A dress is just a dress?


A dress seems to be the ultimate symbol of a woman.

It's also the most obvious gender stereotype of all.

The most simplistic figure of a woman is in a dress. (See toilet signs)

But a dress is just fabric.

The idea that a dress is for women is just a social construct.

It's merely an idea.

It's just another enforcement of gender stereotypes.

It makes us think that men and women are of different value.

It is the foundation for discrimination.

And it's things like this that make it impossible for gender equality.

I've been studying sociology quite hard.

I realise i've been feminist all my life.

And i really truly believe women and men should be seen as equal.

So down with gender stereotypes of a woman staying at home and a man going out to work. It doesn't always have to be this way so let's stop enforcing it. Down with all gender stereotypes for that matter! It must start with me.

I went through my sister's wardrobe, nearly suffocated trying on my mom's tight evening gown, and thus borrowed a yellow dress from Kimberly that i'll wear in school on Wednesday.

Because in a truly egalitarian society, when genders are no longer stereotyped and discriminated, men will wear dresses.


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