10 October 2009

Family and Friends

The day started with 2 very strange individuals sharing an umbrella in the rain downstairs. A guy and a girl, a pair of siblings, of the infamous clan of the Huis. This would be a day riddled with nonsensical nonsense and quotable quotes from the 2 and their parents.

Justin: My arm is getting wet. Maybe I should not leave it outside the umbrella.

A little later...

Marianne: I'm getting wet.

Justin: Then take out your umbrella.


I woke up on wednesday feeling something moving on my right foot.

It was not human.

I realised Jon Ma had released his hamster from it's cage,
and it was now crawling up my leg towards my shorts...

-Intermission Over-

Doulos, the oldest sea-going passenger liner with the largest floating book-fair, was nice. We saw books of every kind to suit every need.

There was stuff Marianne liked...

There was stuff JueYing liked...

There was even stuff mom liked!


Daddy found a book that stated the obvious.

The book he really needed was actually this one...

That would have saved them much agony. But it was too little too late. Everything was too little too late...

Oh Doulos where were you when we needed all these books!


On Friday night I put my basic Nerf dart blaster in Valerie's hands and in her first shot she took a bottle off the church pews to my surprise (and to the horror of her husband Pastor Josh). Her next shot landed squarely on target, her husband, and from then on it was all downhill. All those years of pent up frustration came flying out of the toy gun in the form of 6 lethal foam darts.

She asked me how much i bought the blaster for. I fear for Pastor Josh. Now that i have empowered women, i wonder if i did the right thing. But oh what's 6 foam darts from my tiny launcher compared to all the oppression that women have had from men over history anyway.

Went to toys'r'us today. Horror of Horrors.

Mankind, oh what have i done!

-Intermission Over-

Saw this little girl at the gangway of the ship. She was sizing me up man!

So adorable! That's her momma by the way. On a christian ship like the Doulos with people from all over the world with a common heart for Jesus, you really don't see racial lines. And that... is cool.

Shopping at vivo was tiring.

We waited for an hour at the Singtel shop as mom chose her phone. Dad said she should stop asking questions and just buy. We said it's her birthday let her ask all she wants.

Dad: But... she's losing friends.


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