02 January 2006

No Problem is Too Small

No problem is too small- you may not be in positions as dire as others, but that may not mean you are suffering less. As long as a problem is affecting you, there really is no reason to feel bad about seeking help.

Christmas night; I was having a party with my church friends and their families. Going ground, I talked to everyone my age and found out how they were doing lately. Queuing up for food was a good friend of mine- Emily. When I came to her she said a few words that I so loved to hear.

She wanted to talk to me. And that means it's something important.

We had a chance later on to be "alone". I say that in inverted commas because anyone could see us, but they were at a distance that they could not hear us; a comfortable situation to share. I said a split- second prayer on my own before she began telling me what was happening.

Towards the end she said she felt a little bad because it was something she felt was so small yet she was asking me about it.

Honestly... If it affects you, it's not too small a problem. You don't need to feel bad about talking to someone about it. Personally speaking, if you come to me with a problem that is affecting you, I'm going to do as much as I can to help.

You may feel happy when people come to you for advice, but you are responsible for the outcome; If things don't work out after they listen to and follow you... The blood is on your hands. My point is, help when you can. When you can't or when you're unsure, don't make things worst by advising them on matters you don't know about. What you can do is to find help for person. Help him or her look for people who have been through similar situations and find out how they pulled through. Then you have something to tell your friend that might actually help.

One more thing- be honest. No one knows everything. Respect the ones who are seeking help from you enough to let them know if you are unable to help them directly or if you are unsure. That was what I did with Emily. I told her I knew little about the area but I assured her that I would help her find a solution to the problem by consulting another friend who knew more about it. In this situation, the one I turned to who was more experienced in the area was my hole in the wall.

I managed to catch her on MSN Messenger 2 or 3 days later for a few moments- just enough to ask her about Emily's situation. Soon after, I got to Emily via the same medium. I guess what Emily needed at the time was just to get it off her chest. So I thank God for putting me there.

Sometimes, all you need to do is provide a listening ear to save the world for someone. Huge problems can often be solved in simple ways, so don't underestimate the power of a simply listening. And don't ever think a problem is too small to be heard. Speak out, and save your world.