10 September 2006

The Rainbow Girl

I see a rainbow wash over her eyes,
She gives me her halo and I start to fly.

Being a GuardiAngel is a long-term commitment. Though I may only write about single incidents, these are but small glimpses of the long-term attention given to my mortals (most of which is behind the scene prayer that often goes on for years). Let me give you an example of this with my friend... The Rainbow Girl.

It was the 15th of November 2005 and I was at a class chalet. We had just completed the final bits of the yearlong project I mentioned in the ''Angel in the Night" entry (that was due the next day) and relaxed by chatting and watching DVDs. As the night drew on, one by one slowly washed up and turned in. The sounds of chatting and laughter gradually subsided and I felt my purpose for being there change from entertaining my friends to taking care of them.

Sitting outside alone, The Rainbow Girl held pen and paper, but she was not writing anything. Something on her mind seemed to be troubling her.

I spread my wings out wide
And opened the door to her world outside.

She didn't tell me what it was that troubled her specifically, but she did share her pain and allow me to pray for her. That night, I encouraged a Christian sister to keep searching for a closer relationship with God. Refreshed, I put her to sleep and felt the halo shining once again as I went to my bed.

''Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
-Matthew 7:7-8

And from then on I constantly prayed for her.

In the middle of this year, I sensed that The Rainbow Girl was troubled again. I finally got a chance to talk to her on the last day of school, the 9th of June 2006, and she told me exactly what it was that had been at the back of her mind all this time. I was surprised that she shared, for it was only the second time we really talked like that. Anyway, she wrote about this experience much better than I could ever have, so here is her link. (You can only access this one entry by the way, and yeah, she referred to her GuardiAngel as... ''A")


It also proves that I'm not making up all these stories. Hehe.

In this situation, all I really did was listen and pray... for I knew nothing about how to handle what she was going through. I just made a conscious decision not to judge her, but to love her as God had loved me.

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
-John 15:9

And from then on I constantly prayed for her even more.


I was online during the first few hours of the morning on 7th September 2006, which was just yesterday, talking to The Rainbow Girl. We weren't really sharing much... It was more like a follow up check on her progress. As conversation drew to a close, I told her I made a new post on this blog and asked her to take a look. Reminding her of my blog's address, I went offline.

An sms came in at 3 a.m.

The Rainbow Girl had actually had a long overdue talk with God that day, and finally felt liberation from the incessant mental torment.

I was praying for her that very morning.

I see a rainbow wash over her eyes,

She gives me her halo and I start to fly.

I was listening to Corrinne May's song "Angel in Disguise" yesterday (even before talking to The Rainbow Girl). I really liked the song because it described everything that I wanted to become. And now I realize that when God works through me I can do amazing things, and become the man (or angel) I want to be. Without him... all my efforts are in vain, and this blog, would have been nothing but mere words. For the true Saviour in The Rainbow Girl’s life is not me, but God. All i really did, was...

Pray continually;

-1 Thessalonians 5:17


On the 27th of September I wanted to go roller blading after the long examinations, but God stopped me by causing a sudden downpour during the last period of the day. I sat sulking in the canteen, and fell asleep doing my work. When I woke, The Rainbow Girl stepped into the canteen and we had a nice chat. So everything does happen for a reason.

“What were you talking about all this time?” A classmate at the next table asked.

“I was just saving the world” I replied.

“Even Her world?” he asked, surprised.

I smiled.

05 September 2006

The Collective Unconscious

Ever came across a situation in which you were thinking of or started talking about someone and then the person just happens to step into the room?

The collective unconscious is the name of a theory coined by Carl Jung. It seems he was listening to a woman in his office talk about a dream she had when a beetle flew in. He read this apparition as a representation of the woman's fear of beetles. And well... she actually dreamt of beetles. And she actually was afraid of them.

Have you ever had a song cross your mind just before it starts playing on the radio?

Honestly I applaud Jung for taking notice of the coincidences that we all experience but never really think twice about. But what is his explanation? According to Jung, everything happens for a reason- thus there is a greater something that causes everything in the world to happen. And that is The Collective Unconscious.

Have you heard the phone ring and just know who it was before answering the call? Even when it was from someone who does not normally call you?

But seriously... Is that really the best mankind can do to explain the phenomenon of everything happening for a reason? Has mankind come so close to the truth only to be blinded from it by their closed minds? I don't normally challenge people like this, but this time it's not a matter of opinions, but of debating truth against theory. From what I've seen... I can daringly say... I can explain the "coincidences" better than the Collective Unconscious ever can.

Let me tell you what happened to me last night- this is one of the many events that proved that everything really happens for a reason... And the reason is awfully clear.

At the end of last year, I made presents for almost everyone I knew. To ensure I had everyone accounted for, I wrote everyone's names on "post it"s. After Christmas, I had a few "post it"s left or my wall... people who I had not gotten presents for or people who I had not been able to see to pass them their presents. One of these people was named Fiona.

Fiona's "post it" had fallen off the wall onto my table.

It was past 1 a.m. on the 3rd of September 2006 and I was tired... I sieved through the mess of my table searching for things I needed bring to church the next day. I tried to put my files in order and stuck the post it with Fiona's name back on the wall.

Fiona's "post it" fell off the wall onto my table.

It took a while to notice, but when I did I got a little annoyed and picked it up again. I was tired, and just as I was about to press it back against the wall I remembered Fiona...

3 nights ago I was talking to her online. She was having some problems but was hesitant to share. Yeah... It had been a long time since I spoke to her like this so the relationship was not as close. Anyhow she had asked me to pray that she would be protected from the lies and deceit of the evil one. I said I would and asked her to pray too... and kneel while at it.

Something... or someone... was trying to tell me something...

As I held the ''post it", I said a prayer and asked that the sign be really clear; that if something wrong was happening on Fiona's side that the "post it" would fall again. I then pasted it back on firmly. After packing my bag, I turned the lights off and went to bed.

But I could not sleep.

Something was bothering me and I just could not sleep. I thought it was stress from the coming exam, but suddenly I realized that I had heard a soft but significant sound in my room a moment before. I jumped out of bed and switched on my room light.

Fiona's "post it" had fallen off the wall.

The peculiar thing was that this time it got trapped by another note- one written by my teacher. But I knew this was a message from above. I prayed, whipped out my phone and sent an sms at 1:30am, saying that I sensed something was wrong and that I was praying. The time mattered not to me for I was absolutely sure this was a situation that called for the action.

Then I could sleep.

Just after my alarm clock went off in the morning, an sms came in...

Oh man... You were right

Me? Right? No... The Collective Unconscious helped me.

Mankind, is that really the best you can do? Your greatest thinkers can affirm that there is a greater power over all the Earth but deny that He is a conscious being that bothers about us? So close... Yet so far away.

At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
- Matthew 11:25

For one little girl who knew God, the world was still yet to be saved, but there was hope. For another Carl Jung who knew only The Collective Unconscious, there was no hope, and sadly he eventually lost his mind.

Pick a side.

Oh and one more thing… One day after I penned this down, a question on the study of Literature (the subject in which I first heard of The Collective Unconscious) came out in my General Paper examination. And I did the question.