Flashback: Angel in the Night
It was one of the most, if not, The most amazing incident that ever happened to me as a GuardiAngel; Because for once, I did not call on God, but God called on me.
My bus stop was in the opposite direction she was heading. I glanced at my watch and realized there was a little time before the last bus was to pass. I turned almost immediately and made haste. There was one girl who needed protection tonight, and I has going to make sure she got home safely.
29 August 2005 was a late night out for me. I was working with a group of classmates at a friend's house, putting together the final sections of a year long project. It was getting late so we wrapped up work and went our separate ways. One of the members of the group was a girl who lived near the train station where I was heading to transfer to a bus, so we left together.
To my horror, I realized I was not the only one following her home. Another shadow was lurking between my friend and I. Quickening my pace, I hoped to catch a glimpse of this figure's intentions. Then it hit me. She would enter a lift soon. And if something were to happen in that environment, there would be no one to help her until the ordeal was over.
I broke into a run.
Upon arrival at the station we said goodbye and she went off, walking into the darkness. I left in the opposite direction towards my bus stop, but I didn't go far. Once I went round a corner, I turned and headed back to ensure the lady gets home safely.
Maybe I was shy. Maybe I did not want her to feel she was taking up my time in sending her home. Either way, I had some time before the last bus leaves and since she stayed close by, I decided to make sure things are fine on her side. I followed behind her at a distance.
The lift! She turned into a block of flats and I raced to enter the void deck from the other direction. I needed to get a view of the lift lobby and make sure that no one enters the lift with her. Running as swiftly as I could silently, so as not to alarm either friend or foe follower, I made it to the lift lobby just as she entered. The next moments seemed like eternity as I watched for the lift door to close. Should anyone else enter, so would I for safety's sake. The door began to shut. I was ready to spring should the need arise. This was the moment when the enemy normally strikes- seeing there's no one else around to complicate matters. The door was half closed. My eyes scanned the surroundings once again for any signs of life. None but myself. The lift door closed.
The lift she was on did not stop until it reached her floor, and I heaved a sigh of relief. It was over... But it did not seem all that awesome. Prevention may be better than cure, but there is nothing like actually being able to help; Being the police who responds rather than the guard that watches.
Now I needed to trace my way back to the bus stop, so I headed for and decided to follow the main road. Suddenly, a sharp and cutting screech tore through the silent night.
Screeeech!!! The sound was that of locking tires skidding on the hard asphalt road. I stopped short as right before my eyes a grey van (It appeared grey in the night, so I could never be too sure...) lost control and began to drift as the driver jammed on his brakes in a desperate attempt to stop the speeding vehicle from plowing into the cars that had stopped ahead for the red light. Everything happened in less than a second, yet the excitement heightened my mental functions so much that the situation was recorded with impressive detail that I remember even months after.
Screeeech!!! The very piercing sound came to an end as the van jerked to a halt just narrowly missing the cars stopped in front. It had swerved to an angle in order to do so. Drunk driver... I thought. Several moments later a police car with its flashing red and blue lights lighting up the neighbourhood pulled up behind. It appeared so quickly after that I guessed it had been chasing the van, and the cars at the traffic light had unknowingly brought him to justice. The sight of the police car actually brought some comfort and put my mind at enough ease to walk on, knowing things are in good hands.
The bus stop loomed ahead as I walked next to a bicycle path. All I needed to do was cross the road junction and I would be on my way. A Malay man in a red shirt was cycling by with one of his hands on another bicycle. He was struggling a little with his balance when I walked pass- but seemed to be able to cope on his own; So I walked on toward the final junction before the bus-stop.
Should I help him?
I thought about the question with a great dilemma. What if he does not really need the help as much is I think? What happens after I help him with one of the bikes? What if he lives a distance from here and I need to walk back? What if I miss the last bus? What then? God... Please help me make the right choice... A floodgate of thoughts just broke into my mind as I walked on and finally reached the traffic junction.
A red light.
I stopped just a literal stone throw away from the bus-stop not because I chose to.
A red light.
I looked back at the man. He had stopped his bike, putting his legs down on both sides; and keeping one hand on the seat of the other, he slowly lowered and shook his head.
A red light.
God made it clear then. And I knew what I had to do. Not my will but yours be done. I said a short prayer, spread my wings, and went forth.
The man did not even hesitate when I asked if he needed help. He was just so desperate at this unearthly time of the night, when only God can provide help. Seems his children had cycled with him to the train station on their way to their uncle's house. But since it was so late when they left, his brother drove the children back, leaving him to bring the bicycles home. So I cycled one of the bicycles back to his house that was just a few blocks down. He was just so thankful when we parked the bicycles. Shaking hands, I got his name. Jaffar. And the low bike I rode on was his daughter's.
Returning to the bus stop, I did not have to wait long for the bus. Not that it bothered me- I knew God was there, I was doing his work, and my halo was shining brighter than ever before.