02 October 2009

Give me a ring

Act 5, Scene 7

2 white, single-seater sofa chairs on stage facing the audience. Coffee table in between the chairs.

Girl enters just before Guy from stage right.

Guy: Sit down.

Girl sits on the sofa chair closest to her.

Guy: No, sit here. (motions to other sofa chair)

Girl changes sofa chair. Guy is holding something behind his back. Guy stands in front of Girl once she has sat down.

Girl: You are NOT getting down on one knee!

Guy brings his hands to the front, revealing a ring box.

Guy: I bought something for you...

Girl: Why me? Keep it for someone else...

Guy opens ring box to show her the ring.

Girl: Oh wow! That IS beautiful.

Guy: (taking the ring out of the box) This is for you.

Girl: No.

Guy holds the ring in front of her.

Girl: I cannot accept this.

Long pause.

Breakup Counseling 1101
Basic do's and don'ts when you find out your friend has gone through a break up.

1. When you see your friend, do acknowledge that you are aware of his/her situation. The last thing your friend needs now is awkwardness from you.

2. The first question should not be "why did you break up", but "how are you?" Your friend may not know why the other party initiated the break up, and being reminded of that makes it worst, especially if you're not his/her only friend. So put the question about the person before the one about the problem. Your friend's answer to the "how are you?" question should also give you an indicator as to what question to ask next, if you decide to at all.

3. Don't make assumptions before your friend can even explain (Please don't jump to conclusions before clearing step 1 and 2). Don't immediately assume it's the other party's fault. Give your friend a chance to explain, and the silence to do so. You can clarify your theories after step 1 and 2 if the friend is still stable.


For those of you who need explanations, summaries and interpretations,

Sarah is the Girl.
I am the Guy.
Sarah is now wearing the ring i gave her.
It's a toe ring.
We broke up today.
Apply what your learnt today in Breakup Counseling 1101.


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