25 September 2009


Why is it...
The moment i say i have food poisoning...
Everyone starts talking at me as if they are my doctor?

I ate my first piece of meat today. A thin slice of ham on white bread.

Nothing has tasted this good. Nothing had felt this bad.

Things i never thought could be taken away i took for granted.

The freedom to eat when i'm hungry...

To gulp when i'm thirsty...

To sleep when i'm tired...

To study.

To move my fingers...

my hands...

my wrists...

my feet.

But what really matters was what was said on one of the scariest nights of my life. As diarrhea, violent vomiting and profuse sweating drained my body of salts and liquid, i lost control of my legs, my fingers froze together and my wrists locked themselves backwards. Realizing i was going into shock, i told mom to call an ambulance. In that moment alone i cried out in no uncertain terms:


And he did.


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