Girls, girls, girls...
The next big thing seems to be celibacy.
Well at least, out of the 6 closest friends that i have, 3 have stated they would probably be single for the rest of their lives.
I find it kinda funny, i find it kinda sad.
I giggle when i remember how mature we thought we were at 16. Because frankly, all my closest friends who think they'll be single for the rest of their lives are 21 and below, making that statement based on experiences that they had when they were what- 16? Like they won't change much in the next 60 or more years.
I am disturbed and slightly insulted too to realise that half of my closest friends who think they will stay single are the girls. As a guy... it's okay to hear girls say that at 16, but it's depressing to hear that at 21.
Back in JC i would secretly scoff at guys who said they could not understand girls. I guess in that time of innocence and idealism i could talk to a girl about personal matters the way i would read an open book. Defenses were down and trust was easily earned by sincerity and truth. But now it seems the books are all closed. And we all know you can't judge a book by it's cover.
I had a great season of service and counseling in JC and i really enjoyed saving the world, but it seems i'm no longer as able to communicate with girls i'm talking to in the same way. They have changed. Now i understand why people don't say girls are hard to understand. Instead they say women are hard to understand. And the girls my age, have all turned to women.
The old knight in shining armour, riding on a white horse, approach don't work no more. Times have changed- time for me to change if i want to keep helping people effectively.
So... I'm going to do some gender studies in university while studying psycology, and i'll attend ladies fellowship in church this weekend.
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