Dream Girl
After yesterday's post and some very deep conversation with Desiree i've come to a better understanding of our current mindset as young adults.
It's tough to be a young adult. The decisions we need to make now affect the rest of our lives. We're deciding our career paths at this tender age, and it's scary.
More unsettling though is the thought that we've reached the age where it's culturally accepted to start looking for a life partner. So we look around and realise the painful incongruence between the stories of princes and princesses and true perfect love we have heard all our lives, and the fact that the irritating boy or girl who used to pull our hair in primary school is now a potential spouse.
It's a sudden shock that has many of us bordering depression. So our simplest instinctive response is to say okay i'm going to be single and put off thinking of this for now. It's gonna take a while to sink in. But don't take our word for it when we say we want to be single forever. Not yet.
Desiree disagreed with all this because it represented my perspective and not her's. She doesn't believe in princes. So she's probably in a better mindset than i am. Reaching adulthood was not as shocking for her as it was for me. Great.
In other news, someone asked me what my dream girl is like. Tough one. But after much searching and reflecting i think i found what i'm most attracted to. Take a look at this video. If you get impatient fast forward to 2:15 when she first appears. Click on the HD button- she looks a lot better.
See... i still believe in princesses. And elves and monsters. But i digress.
So what has this elven female warrior have anything to do with reality?
Simply put, she is a representation of qualities that attract me most.
So what are they:
1. She's honed her strengths and skills.
2. She's fearless, taking on beast bigger than her.
3. She's fragile.
Everyone who i've shown this video to says the dark elf sorceress looks so much more beautiful (i've shown this to more girls than guys okay) by the way. But external beauty pales in comparison to character.
This girl sure can fight. She knows her strength lies in agility and speed and she has honed her skills that allow her to be anything but useless in the coming dark days. But what i find most beautiful about this girl is that she is fragile and can be beaten (she came so close to death at the hands of the sorceress) yet that did not stop her from from throwing herself in dangers way and fighting for what she believes in.
I'm not in love with a computer generated fictional character living in a world that does not exist. But what she is, is what attracts me most in a woman. Just so you know.
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