16 December 2007

Not a Jerk

What gives me the right to say something like that of someone?
Let me justify myself.

1. I’m not picky over the quality of food.
2. I can wash the dishes.
3. I know how to hand wash clothes.
4. I’ve burnt myself learning how to iron.
5. I’ll stay up late for anyone who calls me by my name.

6. Even if that means falling asleep in class.
7. I’m early for almost every meeting
8. I open doors for girls
9. I may be tempted easily
10. But I fight it with all I’ve got.
11. I speak from the heart.
12. I can play the basics of every instrument in the rock band.
13. I go deep with the literature I study
14. Reading into movies and art work the way I would with prose and poems
15. I think out of the box
16. I enjoy bordering absurdity sometimes
17. It’s a different type of humour.
18. I don’t like to spend money on clothes and shoes
19. I don’t mind wearing my dad’s clothes if it fits and looks alright.
20. I don’t get an allowance per say
21. I just give an account of my spending directly to my parents.
22. I don’t just survive in a new environment I’m in
23. I keep struggling until I can live victoriously there.
24. I think the best of others
25. I care for others
26. I love others.
27. I managed to pick up my maternal dialect without being taught.
28. I may struggle to communicate in languages other than English
29. But that has not stopped me visiting the elderly at the old folks home.
30. I’m not muscular, but I can take a heavy load and long road.
31. I’ve been careful not to go into a relationship till I’m mature enough.
32. I’ve been praying about my future job since young
33. Actually, I pray a lot.
34. I was a top debater in school
35. But I choose not to argue
36. I’d encourage the outcast and the oppressed instead
37. I may find it immensely difficult to approach people I don’t know
38. But I still do to welcome them into church.
39. I love to go cycling
40. I love the field
41. I’m sensitive to emotions, especially of others’ hurt
42. I conduct myself differently intentionally
43. I take advise and correction to heart
44. I am confident in myself.

Tell you the truth
I only used to want to kill that jerk
He’s not that bad.

And Rainbow Girl agrees.


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