08 May 2009

The Sound of Silence

Sorry my blog hasn't moved for a while, but that's how things are in my life. Waiting... waiting, waiting.

It's a tough time. I've done all i've needed to do, and now i just await the results. But i can't be free to run around and enjoy myself like i did after every exam.

Because this test has the biggest impact on my life. Since JC i knew this was my final test, that the A levels was not what i was working so hard for. And it's over. And i'm anxious.

I wait restlessly. I want to know which direction my life is going to take. And quickly i say. Either way, it means a very different life.

If NUS medicine says no then i need to rush my preparation for the Indian college and contact the university immediately.

If NUS medicine says yes i need to apply for driving and begin my study preparation.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I can't function now. I'm debilitated by the gnawing anxiety of waiting. Argh. I can't commit to anything at all, in church or outside and that just sucks. I'm living for the most trivial things at this point in time because i don't have a major goal at, probably because my goal for the past 5 years of getting into the interview was realised. And so...

I live for ninja warrior with my sister on Thursdays and Fighting Spiders with the whole family on Tuesdays.

I live for the group i lead on Sunday and the group i follow on Friday, both in church.

I live for the little conversations i have with my closer friends on MSN.

I live for the chance to log on to Yinhong's blog once a day.

I don't live.

Well... The wait will soon come to an end. Then maybe i'll be able to blog again. Once i know my direction, whichever one it is, i'll function.

So... now's the time of silence. Once again i'm on the road between the cross and the resurrection. All i can do is wait, and see if a miracle happens.

By the way... I just have a feeling... the letter is going to come in... today.


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