22 August 2009


Man sits on crowded bench on crowded LRT platform.

LRT pulls in. People stand up.

Man sits on bench on crowded LRT platform.

LRT doors open. People walk forward.

Man sits on bench on crowded LRT platform.

Not staring at anything, but noticing everything:

How the crowd facing away from him silently and seamlessly split into 2 to enter the doors.

How the sound of different shoes resounded against the platform tiles.

How the footsteps of each person told the story of their day.

Man sits on bench on empty LRT platform.

Everyone has entered the LRT. As they stop and turn to face the platform, they notice the man.

He had always been there, watching all of them, but they had only just noticed him.

Man picks up bag, stands up and walks towards the LRT.

Man enters the crowded train, turns around, and stops moving.

Empty bench on empty LRT platform.


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